Blogs are not the only thing you can outsource. Anything that you can write, you can outsource.
9 Types of Content You Can Outsource
Here are nine different types of content you can outsource.
- Landing pages
When people search for “pubs in Chicago,” and you have a great pub in Chicago, you want them to be able to find you, but you want them to be able find you in the way you want them to find you. Maybe that means landing on a specific page. If you want to make sure this happens, you can get someone who knows what they are doing to write your landing pages for you.
- Blogs
You have to keep up your blog on a regular basis if you want it to mean anything at all. However, getting all of this done takes a lot of time, which you probably don’t have. Outsourcing it gets you the continuous content you need without having to spend all of your precious time writing it.
- Ads
You have to pay for ad space whether it is online, print, billboard, broadcast, or anything else. So with a monetary investment into ads, you really need to make sure it is effective so you get the most bang for your buck. You can outsource your ad copy to others to make sure you have the best ads money can buy.
- Social media posts
Social media posts require just as much thought than other types of content—sometimes even more. It seems so easy to write, and yet it is the thing that is going to get you noticed first, so it is vitally important to get it right the first time. Having someone else do it can make sure you get more eyes on your site.
- Articles
If you want longer-form articles, whether it is to get more people buying your product, building up brand recognition, or for any other reason, hiring someone to do it for you can ensure it is the best it can be.
- ‘About Me’ pages
All the pages on your site say who you are, but the About Me is obviously the most direct about it. Telling the world what you stand for is an important part of selling yourself. So having it written right is a great way to ensure it does its job.
- Brochures
Any type of informational brochure requires a lot of writing. Depending on how you are using it, you can get it in front of a lot of eyes. Because it might be the first place people hear of you, you want to make sure it says something great about you. It has to be able to sell you when you are not there to sell yourself. So outsource it.
- E-books
Creating an e-book is a great way to make yourself seen as a thought leader in your field. You know the material, but maybe you do not how to do the writing. Or maybe you are not sure how to write an e-book specifically. Drafting up the points you want to make and outsourcing the writing is the best of both worlds.
- Packaging information
Maybe you want to put a thank you note into all of your products or just want to include a special message on how to use the product. Either way, you can get someone to write it for you.
Being Content Full
There are lots of types of content you can outsource to a service. Don’t just limit yourself to the obvious choices.
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